
A Tradition of Excellence and Camaraderie


The Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR) Military Competition (MILCOMP) is an esteemed event with a rich history that spans over decades, tracing its origins to the early post-World War II era. Designed to strengthen the bonds between NATO partners and allies through spirited competition and mutual respect, MILCOMP stands as a testament to the enduring values of teamwork, excellence, and the shared commitment to peace and security.

Each year, the competition’s venue rotates among our NATO partners, showcasing the unity and diverse landscapes of our member nations. The events are meticulously standardized to ensure fairness and consistency, allowing participants from all corners of the globe to compete on an equal footing.


Team Composition and Categories

Participants form three-member teams, reflecting the competition’s emphasis on teamwork and collective problem-solving. These teams compete across five distinct categories:

  • Veteran: Honoring the experience and contributions of our longstanding servicemembers.
  • Female: Promoting gender diversity and the vital role of women in military excellence.
  • Novice: For newcomers, introduce them to the rigors and camaraderie of MILCOMP.

Expert: For seasoned competitors, showcasing the pinnacle of military skill and strategy.

International: A unique blend of members from various countries, overcoming language barriers and cultural differences to achieve a common goal. This category epitomizes the spirit of MILCOMP, creating an environment where adaptability, communication, and teamwork are key to success.

The Core Events